Colorful Children's Club • June 1st at Deheng Medical
Category:Company News Time:2018-06-05 09:54:10 Author:
Pop away the dust of May and welcome the sunshine of June. The hearts of young children are like blooming flowers, stirring up a joyful ocean. June is the cradle and dream of childhood, the fertile soil and sun of childlike charm. Deheng Medicine, with joyful steps, is walking towards June and entering the children's festival - "International Children's Day on June 1st".

Pop away the dust of May and welcome the sunshine of June. The hearts of young children are like blooming flowers, stirring up a joyful ocean.
June is the cradle and dream of childhood, the fertile soil and sun of childlike charm.
Deheng Medicine, with joyful steps, is walking towards June and entering the children's festival - "International Children's Day on June 1st".
On this innocent and romantic day, with the careful arrangement of the leader, the careful preparation of colleagues, and the joint cooperation of everyone, Deheng Medical Group held the purest "Children's Day Dinner Gala" in the spacious and bright lobby on the first floor. The whole scene was warm and exquisite.


Happy nursery rhymes, colorful balloons, delicate flowers, delicious KFC, fresh fruits, colorful drinks, fragrant desserts, mischievous lollipops, cartoon cookies... Every corner of Deheng Medicine is filled with childlike innocence and childlike fun.


During the gathering, Mr. Qi chatted with everyone about his family life and reminisced about his childhood, making everyone feel a strong sense of family atmosphere.
Fun games keep everyone laughing and laughing.



At the same time, in order to encourage everyone to work hard, Deheng Medical Company specially rewards two outstanding employees who have made outstanding contributions in their work.


The sparkling cartoon hairpins make their smiling faces more childlike.


Childhood is like a boat, filled with candies, toys, laughter, and happiness.

Childhood, like a dream, colorful, making people linger and yearn.

Childhood is like a lollipop, with a fragrant and unforgettable taste.


Everyone comes from all corners of the world, and for the same pursuit, it is fate to gather at Deheng Medical. Every joke, blessing, and encouragement during the gathering make us love every cute face even more.


Deheng Medicine is a big family, where we get to know and unite with each other, encourage and cooperate with each other, and inject tremendous strength into facing new work challenges in the future.