Jinan Deheng Medical 2019 Golden Autumn Team Building
Category:Company News Time:2019-09-04 10:03:20 Author:
In order to strengthen communication and exchange among departments, cultivate teamwork and trust, and enhance the cohesion of the company, Jinan Deheng Medical Technology Co., Ltd. conducted a team building activity for 2019 from August 30th to 31st, 2019 at Shuiyanxia Scenic Area in Jinan City.


In order to strengthen communication and exchange among departments, cultivate teamwork and trust, and enhance the cohesion of the company, Jinan Deheng Medical Technology Co., Ltd. conducted a team building activity for 2019 from August 30th to 31st, 2019 at Shuiyanxia Scenic Area in Jinan City. Strive hard and relax to the fullest, so this team building activity is divided into two parts: internal company meetings and expansion activities, achieving moderate tension and a balance between work and rest.


  The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn wind brings a refreshing breeze. On the noon of August 30th, all employees took the bus in an orderly manner according to the prescribed time and successfully arrived at the Shuimen Gorge Scenic Area. Along the way, our friends were overjoyed and full of anticipation for this event.
After the tense and orderly check-in procedures, all employees held an internal meeting at the Shuimenxia Conference Center. Firstly, Mr. Qi Desheng, General Manager of Jinan Deheng Medical Technology Co., Ltd., explained the company's development layout and strategic planning to all employees. Then, department heads summarized their work in the first half of the year and planned for the next steps. Finally, all employees studied the DingTalk management system carefully and mastered the efficient and fast communication method.
After the meeting, it is the free time for all employees to move around. Or climb mountains to enjoy the beauty of forests; Or climb dangerous peaks and experience the thrilling thrill of a glass pier. Accompanied by the sunset, the barbecue dinner of this event began. Eating barbecue, drinking beer, relying on the mountains, singing and piloting. The lighting of the bonfire pushed the event to its climax, and the young friends sang and danced, enjoying this rare relaxation to the fullest.


Accompanied by the chirping of birds, barking of dogs, and the fresh air of the mountains, the young companions embarked on their second day of expansion journey. Under the guidance of the expansion coach, the participants were divided into two teams to engage in confrontations. Through four activities: dragon water harvesting, 150 second challenge, supersonic, and life force circle, they broke through their own limitations, challenged the impossible, and fully experienced the importance of understanding, trust, communication, coordination, execution, goals, and strategies among the team and members.


The time to relax is always short, we must always run on the path of progress. On the return journey, although everyone was a bit tired, what they gained more was to return in a better state, and it was also a new beginning!