Wishing you all the way to glory
Category:Company News Time:2019-12-25 10:10:00 Author:
Turning to the last page of the calendar at the end of the year, entering major hotels and shopping malls, one's ears will always be immersed in this song. Christmas, New Year's Day, Laba, Spring Festival, full of festivals, have they brought you a sense of happiness!

Dingding, Dingding, jingling bells
We are so happy skiing, we sit on sleds
Breaking through the blizzard, we sat on a sled
Mercedes Benz across the fields, we laugh and sing happily
The sound of a horse's bell brings a lot of joy to the mind
Skiing tonight is so enjoyable. Sing skiing songs. Hey
Dingding, dingding, jingling, jingling
Turning to the last page of the calendar at the end of the year, entering major hotels and shopping malls, one's ears will always be immersed in this song. Christmas, New Year's Day, Laba, Spring Festival, full of festivals, have they brought you a sense of happiness!


To thank everyone for their hard work, on the occasion of Christmas and New Year's Day, Deheng Medical holds a "Wishing You a Brilliant Journey" Double Day Exchange Conference. The Administration Department prepared delicious simple meals, fresh fruits, delicious Dim sum and small candies early and arranged the scene.


The indoor temperature, warm-up music, and funny little programs cannot be ignored. Of course, we also prepared a small surprise for Ma Mei's birthday in December. Birthday is celebrated every year, and today is different. I hope that beautiful woman stays warm in winter and warm in spring, accompanied by a good person along the way!


Friends can be meticulous in work or lively and mischievous in life. Through simple games, we see the playfulness in your performances, the warm imprints of each other's lives, and the tacit understanding that accumulates invisibly.


Friends can be meticulous in work or lively and mischievous in life. Through simple games, we see the playfulness in your performances, the warm imprints of each other's lives, and the tacit understanding that accumulates invisibly. You smile so beautifully, like spring flowers... May every family member of Deheng Medicine be safe and happy, and their smiles often bloom!