The winter solstice is a fleeting year, and it is both smooth and warm
Category:Company News Time:2018-12-28 09:59:14 Author:
The winter solstice is a fleeting year, and it is warm and moving. "On the winter solstice, one yang is born and comes and goes." The "arrival" of the winter solstice does not mean coming, but rather the extreme and most profound meaning. The winter solstice means that at this time, the yin energy between heaven and earth has reached its peak of the year, and the yin energy is at its peak and declining. After the winter solstice, the yang energy also begins to sprout. This day is also the shortest day when the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer and the Northern Hemisphere, so the Winter Solstice is also known as the "Short Solstice"

This year's winter solstice time
December 22, 2018
The 16th day of the winter lunar month
Winter Solstice
The winter solstice is a time of coming and going. The "arrival" of the winter solstice does not mean coming, but rather the extreme and ultimate meaning. The winter solstice means that at this time, the yin energy between heaven and earth has reached its peak of the year, and the yin energy is at its peak and declining. After the winter solstice, the yang energy also begins to sprout. This day is also the shortest day when the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer and the Northern Hemisphere, so the Winter Solstice is also known as the "Short Solstice".
Winter Solstice Three Seasons
[At the beginning, earthworm knots]
During the extreme cold of the Six Yin, earthworms intertwine like ropes. Yang energy has not yet moved, bending the head downwards. Yang energy has already moved, turning the head upwards, so it bends and forms.
[Second Hou, Elk Horn Jie]
Elk, also known as the Great Ze Beast, belongs to the Yin genus, with its horns branching backwards, along with the water buffalo. On the summer solstice, yin is generated and the deer antlers are released due to the sensation of yin energy. Jie, the corner also recedes. On the winter solstice, when the yang is born, the elk feels the yang energy and its horns are released, which is the extreme of the summer solstice's yang and the winter solstice's yin.
[Three Seasons, Water Spring Moves]
Water is born from the Yang of the Heavenly One, and the Yang is born and moves. Today, the first Yang is born in the ears of the ancient clouds.
The winter solstice is like a year
According to Meng Yuanlao of the Northern Song Dynasty's "The Dream of the Flower in Tokyo", "November Winter Solstice is the most important festival in the capital. Although it is extremely difficult for the poor, they accumulate false loans throughout the year, making it easier for them to wear new clothes, prepare food, and worship their ancestors. Officials release customs and celebrate travel, just like New Year's Day." On this day, no matter how poor their families are, they must buy new clothes, worship their ancestors, and bring gifts to every household to congratulate them. Even gambling games like Guan Pu are no longer prohibited.
Winter Solstice Food
Due to the fact that the winter solstice is a very important solar term and festival, different regions also have different celebration activities, and delicious food is essential on that day. The dumplings in the north, the mutton soup in Tengzhou, Shandong, the red bean glutinous rice in the south of the Yangtze River, the sweet potato soup and fruit in Ningbo, the nine layer glutinous cake in Taiwan, the Leiyuan in Taizhou, Zhejiang, the winter fermented rice wine in Suzhou, the Ma ci in Fujian and Zhejiang, the winter solstice noodles in Hefei, the rice dumpling in Chaoshan and other places in southern Fujian, and other delicacies all make the winter solstice full of hot and sweet taste. Which food would not like to taste it one by one?


Winter Solstice Health Preservation
On the winter solstice, one yang is born, but from the winter solstice to the mild and severe cold, it is the coldest season of the year and the best time to stimulate the rise of body yang energy. Moxibustion can be used to elevate yang qi, promote blood circulation, disperse blood stasis, dispel cold and dampness. Starting from the winter solstice, moxibustion is performed on the Shenque acupoint (at the navel) for 9 consecutive days during the day, with each acupoint lasting for 15 minutes. If one falls ill at a young age.
Winter Solstice Poetry
Thinking of Home on the Winter Solstice Night in Handan
Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi
During the winter solstice in Handan, the shadow of the knee hugging lamp accompanies the body.
If you want to sit at home late at night, you should also talk about travelers.
Winter Solstice
Tang Dynasty, Du Fu
Every year until the end of the day, I have been a guest, and suddenly I am in poverty and mud, killing people.
Jiang described me as an old man alone, and the custom of blind dates in the sky.
After the snow of the cane and quinoa, they approach the Dan Gully, and the jade resounds in the morning to scatter the purple Chen.
At this moment, my heart is broken and I have no inch left. Where can I find the Three Qin when I am lost on the road.


Layered blessings, mixed with harmonious and beautiful happiness,
Sweet and sweet emotions are sent to you, who is healthy and healthy,
Forget the chilly coldness and enjoy the steaming hot dumplings.
Winter Solstice, greetings,
Deheng Medicine wishes you all the best, smooth and prosperous!