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  • The winter solstice is a fleeting year, and it is warm and moving. "On the winter solstice, one yang is born and comes and goes." The "arrival" of the winter solstice does not mean coming, but rather the extreme and most profound meaning. The winter solstice means that at this time, the yin energy between heaven and earth has reached its peak of the year, and the yin energy is at its peak and declining. After the winter solstice, the yang energy also begins to sprout. This day is also the shortest day when the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer and the Northern Hemisphere, so the Winter Solstice is also known as the "Short Solstice"
  • On the morning of October 2nd, Liu Chenghua, Secretary of the Tianqiao District Committee of Jinan City, and Dou Hu, District Mayor, accompanied by leaders of the Times Headquarters Base Park, visited Deheng Medical (Jinan) Technology Co., Ltd. to investigate the situation of enterprises in the medical diagnosis industry.
  • Pop away the dust of May and welcome the sunshine of June. The hearts of young children are like blooming flowers, stirring up a joyful ocean. June is the cradle and dream of childhood, the fertile soil and sun of childlike charm. Deheng Medicine, with joyful steps, is walking towards June and entering the children's festival - "International Children's Day on June 1st".